Following the hard work of our grandparents, we managed to purchase 3.3 hectares of Kékfrankos vines in Sióagárd-Lányvár using compensation vouchers, marking the beginning of our “Szegzárd” private venture in 1994. Our first wine was a 1992 vintage Kékfrankos-Merlot Cuvée, which won a gold medal at the nationally significant Országos Borverseny in 1994. This wine brought us recognition and acclaim as an independent winery in the industry. We primarily produced red wines, focusing on Kékfrankos, as that was the variety we had. Our range was, and continues to be, based on Kékfrankos and Kékfrankos-based cuvées. Our initial winemaking philosophy was to produce a variety of wines from the existing raw material and to maximize its potential.